Wow, okay so its been a crazy day!! So this morning I get up and am so tired, I made tahajjad and did my reading, slept for an hour, got back up for fajr and then went back to sleep. I was soooo wasted!! Cause I was up late last night. So....I have a large amount of things left to do this evening. My children and I had school until late this afternoon, instead of early to early afternoon, which is fine, accept it puts dinner time back and that means cleanup time and SLEEP TIME. LOL Why do I sound so obsessed with sleep. LOL I lack time management skills. So.......I was making isha last night and while I was making my dua, I saw a rainbow. Which is great, but the best part is that I studied it whilst I was dhikring thinking, "Am I really seeing this?" lets think, its night time. I have one light on, in the living room, where I am, and the rest of the house, save the hallway, is dark. I have on a dark red and black veil and...
Beauty is in everything we see, feel, know. It lies in everyday moments with our children, the best looking meals, the outfits we wear,and what we accessorize with, the makeup we wear, the day, in just every aspect of life. I'll make an effort here to explore the beauty in everything, just to share the struggles of my every day life and the beauty that lines every cloud. Hope something I post is helpful to someone. Smile, Allah loves you!!!!