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My day!!

Wow, okay so its been a crazy day!!  So this morning I get up and am so tired, I made tahajjad and did my reading, slept for an hour, got back up for fajr and then went back to sleep.  I was soooo wasted!!  Cause I was up late last night.  So....I have a large amount of things left to do this evening.  My children and I had school until late this afternoon, instead of early to early afternoon, which is fine, accept it puts dinner time back and that means cleanup time and SLEEP TIME.  LOL Why do I sound so obsessed with sleep. LOL I lack time management skills.  So.......I was making isha last night and while I was making my dua, I saw a rainbow.  Which is great, but the best part is that I studied it whilst I was dhikring thinking, "Am I really seeing this?"  lets think, its night time.  I have one light on, in the living room, where I am, and the rest of the house, save the hallway, is dark.  I have on a dark red and black veil and a cream colored overgarment.  The rainbow is trailing off of my veil, fading into red on both outside colors, but clearly, colorfully a rainbow in between.  And as soon as I stopped dhikring, it was gone.  I never looked away, I blinked a couple of times when it was still there, and it didn't even distort.  I was sooo happy, mashaAllah, I made more dhikr and dua.  And then pulled myself away from the rug to go to sleep.  I love nighttime Ibada.  There is no better serenity, or closeness to Allah.  There is no better time to fall in love.  Just to think about all He does, and all He is to you, and for you, and re establish who, and why your are who, and what you are.  I love it.  Because He is worth it!!!  Well, needless to say that the dua I was making, so intently when I saw the rainbow, was answered in part last night.  Nobody more suprised than me.  Not suprised that it was answered, but that it was so absolutely detailed to exactly what I was talking about.  Now, part of it was I was put in a position where I had to choose between what I wanted and the Sunnah.  I of course, sukri Alhamdulillah, stood for the sunnah.  But with Adab.  I didn't let it pull me out of myself and make me in the wrong.  I stood my ground, gently, ladylike, but firmly.  And then moved on.  Now it from there that I usually mess up.  Because I usually take things into my own hands and decided, well, I can so I'm going to fix this situation and make sure people know and etc. etc. etc.  This time I didn't, I took it to the rug, and placed it in Allah's hands, where it belonged.  And reminded myself, because verily Allah is already aware, that He is the best of planners and in control of all things.  I trust that He will take care of the situation and I won't have to do anything.  Not only that.  But I stood up for His sunnah, and so I was content that He had me.  And He did.  In a HUGE way!!  That I choose not to discuss here.  LOL LOL LOL  suffice it to say, that my Allah is AWSOME!!!
So, I got up today, and I rationalized that I would not go right into sticking to a schedule for a year, but that I would instead do the 30 day shred that I have yet to do the entire 30 days of.  I have made it twice to week three, but not once yet through week three. LOL LOL  I am still debating with myself. LOL
I have during this next month three classes to put together and teach for AMLC, a birthday bash to finalize the details like, where we are having it, and how everyone is to get there.  hmmmm, I have the sports program to put into action.  But that won't be until Allah wills, as I am grounded with no gas right now.  The economy is crazy.  But at least now gas is almost a full dollar less expensive than it was this time last year.  And I saw with my own eyes it was under $3 a gallon last month.  Yes, I was very excited indeed!
My daughter found this pic and sent it to me.

It is absolutely beautiful!!!  
Do you know that Allah lives in your heart.
that all that gunk that covers your heart can be removed by dhikr
that is what this heart says to me.  
All that gunk being shaved off, you can almost see Allah's noor shining through
Ya Illahi!!  MashaAllah!!
It is beautiful!!

Well, on top of all the above the Milad is this coming weekend.  MashaAllah, Subhanallah!!!  Allah be thanked.  The day we celebrate the birth of our Beloved Nabi Kareem Salallahu Alaihi wa salam.  My sewing machine stopped working.  Yaaay!!! (that was sarcasm)  smh, Ya Illahi.  So I have four children with plenty of fabric and no machine with which to sew.  Goodness gracious!!  So we are looking through deciding from what everyone has what they will be wearing.  Because these are the times we live in.  Sukri Alhamdulillah taxes will be coming in soon, and I can get it fixed,  mayhap even upgrade.  Muahahahahaha!!! LOL LOL  InshaAllah.  Well, going to make some roti, I don't really fell like kneading atta, so I might make naan.  Except I'm out of oil.  oh man!!  I forgot to get more earlier.  So sad.  So it to the kitchen to knead atta.
I am considering redoing my page to make it kind of anonymous.  Because the way I have it now, if someone come's on, they'll know its me.  And although I don't mind it now, I might want to put some things on here, that I might not want someone to know is me. hehe, I know that doesn't make a lot of sense.  I'll let it go for now.
So my daughters singing group sounds great!!  They're just about finished smoothing out the transitions from verse to chorus and back.  So good, and they work so hard, I love watching and listening to them.  I hope the they make it to sing at the JSM.  It would be very nice, and rewarding for all of their hard work.
As I am an avid makeup addict, I thought I'd post a review of Lauriel's Naturals Mascara.  It is awsome.  I used Maybellene's Mascara, the green one, and the purple one, before this.  Didn't like the purple one, and the green one, although it started out killing.  Dried up in the bottle like two weeks after I bought it.  Needless to say I was very annoyed.  $8 bucks on a mascara that dried up and mm, smh.  Very annoyed.  Also, I'll do a quick review of some of my fave powder pigments and maybe post a look tomorrow, either using them, or my Manley pallet.  So you can see the mascara and my fave colors.

This one is called Aztec, its by Southgate.  The lighting in my kitchen is horrible, so you can't see how extremely gold this color is.  
Even on the swatch you can't really see it good.  I'll try to get better lighting for the actual look I do with it.  I use this one primarily for weddings, and parties.  Oops! Sneak preview of the next color there. lol lol
This one is called "Shameless"  by Southgate of course, 
And, do I need to say I love this color.  Yes well, fave colors ever, blues and purples.  This purple is amazing, but once again the lighting is just not doing it justice.  I add a shimmer dark purple liner that I use with it sometimes for a party type look, or I smoke it out, its gorgeous.  For something really pretty, I use a lighter purple from my Manley with it and a thin black line on top.  I always use a lot of kohl, always.  My eyes are not that big and colors make my eyes look smaller, unless black lined.  That's just the way it is.
I think the color looks better beside another color.  LOL in the pics anywayz.  I cannot say the lighting enough.  Its doing my colors horribly.  
Last one for tonight.
Okay, lighting.  Ya Illahi!  This one is called Crimson Nectar.  Another one I mainly use for weddings, and such things.  But it is a very deep crimson color.  The name describes it pretty well. 
Here you can see the color a little better.  The swatch looks kinda mahogany in this light. smh, I hope I find better lighting for the look.  So you can see the vibrancy of the color.  One more, I think you can see the colors better in

Yes, that Shameless just jumps out at ya, you can see the pigment in the Aztec, and the Crimson Nectar still looks a little flat and dull, but trust me it isn't.  LOL
Well, that does it for today's post, yes it took me all day.  Had to stop so many times, but that's life.  I'm going to make Isha, read Sura tul Mulk, and go nighty night yall!!  LOL


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