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Reinventing Me!!!

Okay, so occasionally I look at myself and how far I've veered from what my goals are as a person.  To accomplish something everyday, that my household will run smoothly and orderly, that I won't be fighting for every moment of peace.  That I will have a general schedule that will allow me to get everything I have to do, done in a timely manner and still leave time for me to do what I want to do.  Even if I have to make time.  Well, I have fallen quite far from the ladder.  My house is not running as its usual smooth sailing self, some days we (meaning all of us in the house) get absolutely nothing accomplished.  I don't want my children raised thinking its okay to do nothing at all.  smh, definitely not okay.  So I am reinventing me once again.  I'm redoing my schedule today.  It won't be the strict schedule, but it will be tailored to get at least the major things like, class work, cleaning, volunteer work, and daily chores done in time for dinner to be at 6:30 sharp, and me in bed by 10:30.  Yes well......I'm old and tired.  LOL LOL j/k, but I am way too tired as of late.  I need some veggies.  I feel like rice is clogging my veins. LOL LOL its been tight the past couple of weeks.  It will loosen up soon inshaAllah.  Not worried, Allah has this.
So, this will be a short post as I have not yet done the look and taken the pics as promised.  I will post them later this evening inshaAllah.  But I am already running late with my day.  As I had a lot of trouble getting up this morning.  I have less than no energy, I literally feel like I have sludge running through me instead of blood.  I feel so weighed down.  I have been doing a eat less kick for a couple of months, and its been working fine.  I eat when I'm hungry and don't when I'm not, or am busy, or forget, or just don't feel like it.  So most days, I'll eat once, and some days I'll eat twice.  I'm losing a lot of weight, but until this week, I was feeling so healthy.  I'll need to start back in on my vitamins.  See if that's the problem.  Still taking in lots of water, but not doing much physically as I've been stuck with no gas this week.  I'll work some excersize back into my schedule also.  Ya Illahi.  And I have school starting on the 8th inshaAllah.  Always more to do, I need to do something constructive that allows me to relax at the same time.  Maybe I'll finish my embroidery projects.  I have an issue with starting and not finishing things.  That is also part of my reinventing myself.  I have to finish what I start.  So, I'll start with those.  They're pretty, maybe I'll post pics of them when I finish.  Yes, that sounds like an excellent idea.
As I'm sure you can tell, I'm new at this blogging thing.  Its just a way for me to organize my thoughts I think, that isn't what I got it for originally, but that's what it seems to be.  So, I'll keep it this way.  It's fine.
I'm tired and the day has just begun!!!!  Verily, well, later.  I'm going to have class with children (we already started, just switching subject time), and deep cleaning day.  I have to get some spring cleaning done before school starts.  In between that school with the children, the Milad, AMLC, regular cleaning, jeez, spring cleaning?! okay!

That's life, it begins so simply and seems so complicated and intertwined in its prime. Then you realize its still basically simple, and then your gone.  All that complication, is smoke and mirrors.  Veils between you and reality.  The simplicity stays the same. It's you who change and add to what's there.


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