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Showing posts from February, 2012

Reinventing Me!!!

Okay, so occasionally I look at myself and how far I've veered from what my goals are as a person.  To accomplish something everyday, that my household will run smoothly and orderly, that I won't be fighting for every moment of peace.  That I will have a general schedule that will allow me to get everything I have to do, done in a timely manner and still leave time for me to do what I want to do.  Even if I have to make time.  Well, I have fallen quite far from the ladder.  My house is not running as its usual smooth sailing self, some days we (meaning all of us in the house) get absolutely nothing accomplished.  I don't want my children raised thinking its okay to do nothing at all.  smh, definitely not okay.  So I am reinventing me once again.  I'm redoing my schedule today.  It won't be the strict schedule, but it will be tailored to get at least the major things like, class work, cleaning, volunteer work, and daily chores done in time for dinner to be at 6:30 sh